Marriage and Children

The main house of marriage is 7th supportive are 2nd & 11th, 7th house is for legal (social marriage, 2nd marriage increasing in family and 11th for long term attachment & friendship. Accurate to KP if the sub lord of 7th house is present in the nakshatra of any planet that is related to 2/7/11 only them marriage otherwise not. If it is related to 4, 6, 10, 12 no marriage and if it is related to 2, 7, 11 and 4, 6, 10, 12 in that case first marriage them divorce.

  1. If the sub lord of the 7th house is mercury them it is the probability of two marriages.
  2. Similarly, if the sub lord of the 7th house is present in the nakshatra of mercury then also a probability of two marriages.
  3. If the sub lord of the 7th house is present in nakshatra’s of any planets which is present in dual sign 3, 6, 9, 12 them also the probability of two marriages.

Second marriage:- if the sub lord of 2nd house, is present in the nakshatra of a planet which is related/ linked with 7th house only them 2nd marriage otherwise not, and if it related to 11th house then he keeps her as 2nd wife in present/ absence of his easier wife.

To whom you will be married:-

Lord of 7th house, nakshatra lord, sub nakshatra lord must be present in each other’s seeing planet at the time of birth.

Ex. In a gives Kundli, lord of 7th house, mars, lord of nakshatra (sat), the sub-nakshatra lord is Jupiter. Jupiter is in the nakshatra of Ketu and in the sub-up-nakshatra of venus. All the above planets should be lord at the birth of a male (boy). Similarly, Karak of the 7th house of the male should be lord at the birth time of a girl. In this girl's Kundli 7th house lord is mars, nakshatra lord is Saturn, up-nakshatra lord is Jupiter, Jupiter is in the nakshatra of Ketu & in sub-nakshatra of venus if all these planets are lord planets of the boy only their marriage will be there otherwise not.

Now, let us check
A boy is born in Kumbh Lagna. Sign lord is Saturn, mars in the 7th house, Jupiter is in the sign of the moon (i.e. karaak), the moon is in the nakshatra of venus, Ketu is sitting with Saturn and mars. Because Ketu is sitting in the Vrishchik sign. So, girls 7th houses kaarak are lord planet of boy’s birth time.

Love Marriage

Rules for the birth of children:- a person will be able to produce children if the following three conditions are simultaneously fulfilled.

  1. The sub-lord of the 5th cusp should not be retrograde.
  2. The sub-lord of the 5th cusp should not be posited in the star of a planet that is retrograde.
  3. the sub-lord should signify either the 2nd, 5th, or 11th house.
  4. Astrologers are very expected in justifying past events without much difficulty. The real test of the astrologer comes when he predicts the future.

Adoption of Child

The consultant gave a number 247 between 1 and 249 at Bombay at 6.30 P.M on 26-03-1969 and wanted to know whether he will have any child or will have to adopt someone. The 5th cusp is very important to see whether one is capable of producing a child or not. The 11th house is the 5th house of the partner. Therefore, the 11th cusp shows whether the partner will be able to produce children or not. If both 5th and 11th cusps are unfavorable, both the husband or wife will be sterile, and if such a couple wants to have a child. the only way out is to adopt somebody's child. To judge the time of birth. one has to select the significators of houses 2, 5, and 11, predict the time during the conjoint period of the significators.

One will be able to produce the children if the following three conditions are simultaneously satisfied.

  1. The sub-lord of the 5th cusp is not retrograde.
  2. It is not posited in the constellation of a retrograde planet, and
  3. It is a significator of either 2nd or 5th or 11th house.
  4. If any of the above three conditions are not satisfied one will not be able to produce a child at all.